The strategies and frameworks can be summarized as follows:
The Company intends to operate the business in accordance with the principle of good governance, transparent management and fair relationship with all groups of stakeholders, strict compliance with all related laws and regulations, and rejection to all types of corruption.
The Company aims to manage risks and economic, social, environmental, and corporate governance impact by considering opportunities, risks, and other effects directly caused by the Company’s operation and those of various supplies in the Company’s supply chain. The Company also takes account of the responsibility, respect to human rights, and strict compliance with all related laws and requirements imposed by the government sector.
The Company pays attention and respect to human rights by giving fair treatment to all employees; developing and caring for human resources equitably in respect with compensation and welfare; adding working skills in the employees for their work process in each line of work; focusing on and caring for the occupational health and safety; and building the employee engagement with the organization while allowing them to be involved in various social activities held inside or outside the organization.
The Company determines to benefit and upgrade the quality of life of the community and society as a whole by taking account of the potential impact, and by focusing on handling the community, social, and environmental operating. To implement this policy, the Company specifies the plan and indicators which are able to assess both efficiency and proficiency of work performance under the policy to obtain some information for further development.
Sustainability Management Goals
The Company is aware of its responsibility to drive its business operations in accordance with its established goals and sustainable development that is consistent with the guidelines as laid down by the United Nations, and thus, is committed to carrying out its sustainable development efforts.
Additionally, the Stock Exchange of Thailand encourages listed companies to promote sustainable efforts through the integration of environmental, social, and corporate governance, or ESG, as part of its business operations. In this regard, the Company has established sustainable development goals that are consistent with its business strategies and respond to the organization’s goals and stakeholders’ expectations in a balanced manner. Currently, the Company supports a total of 8 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)that are in accordance with the United Nations guidelines, in which the details can be summarized as follows:

Goal 3:Ensure and promote good health and well-being.
Goal 4:Ensure comprehensive and equitable quality education.
Goal 5:Achieve gender equality
Goal 8:Promote sustainable economic growth and full and efficient employment.
Goal 9:Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Goal 12:Ensure sustainable production and consumption practices.
Goal 13:Climate Change Mitigation
Goal 16:Promote a peaceful and inclusive society and provide equal access to justice.