01 Local content program
Light Entertainment program
The programs includes the variety show, quiz show, game show, and reality show. They deliver both entertainment and content to program guests and audiences. These programs contain contents, ideas, and knowledge via quiz to game players, or interviews to program guests or invited experts. The programs includes both the programs which are created by the Company and the copyrighted TV formats licensed by the format owners which, later on, will be localized for Thai audiences.
SitCom program
SitCom program of the Company holds certain exceptional characteristics, which will present people lifestyles in parody and humor by creating each situation in funny way.
Drama program
Drama program of the Company is difference from other competitors, but they can be joyfully watched by all family members.
News program
“Workpoint News” presents a variety of news arising out, including crime, economy, politic, society, entertainment, and sports. This program also acts as an announcer of any public troubles. The Company has the fully-equipped news studio for broadcasting at all time.
Sports program
This program presents various types of news, either conventional or sport entertainment style, under the unique program production to deliver the exciting experience to audiences.
02 Licensed program

Finished Program
This is to purchase licenses of various local and foreign high-rating programs including cartoon, game show, and drama series, etc.
Licensed Live Program
e.g., live sports and live events.
03 Air-time rented program
This is the program that the business partners and third alliances rent the Company’s air-time for their broadcasting on WORKPOINT 23 channel. The program includes the variety program, game show, and others created to fulfill the marketing and public relations purposes.

01 YouTube: “WorkpointOfficial”
“WorkpointOfficial” presents rerun clips, new edited clips, and live streaming TV programs in parallel with those being broadcast on WORKPOINT 23 channel.
The number of subscribers on “WorkpointOfficial” channel on YouTube has been continuously hiked up until it has been ranked No. 1 subscribed channel in Thailand and the Southeast Asia. This popularity made the Company to be awarded Diamond Play Button from YouTube, which confirmed the Company’s success as the entertainment channel on YouTube
(as of January 11, 2022.)
02 Facebook Channel
The Company’s page on Facebook is “Workpoint Entertainment” where VDO clips and its PR news are presented on feeds of Facebook. This presentation also includes live streaming of TV programs of the Company in parallel with its broadcasting on WORKPOINT 23 channel.
Facebook Page “Workpoint Entertainment” has been ranked Top One Popular Page in Thailand.
on facebook channel
Some new programs broadcast via online platforms only while the channel on YouTube are also broadcast on Facebook as well.
03 Website/application of the Company
Except YouTube and Facebook channels, the Company’s TV programs are broadcast on its Website and Application to add watching channels to several groups of audiences.
Website: www.workpointtv.com

01 Program format licensing
The program format licensing is granted to foreign customers for their reproduction in line with the Company’s advice such as
- Big Box
- Ching Roi Chaing Lan Wow Wow Wow
- Drive Me Home
- Lightning Quiz
- Love Judge
- Mic on Debt Off
- The Rapper
- The Wall Duet
02 Finished program licensing
The finished programs are sold to customers for their broadcasting with dubbing of language of each country, such as

“10 Fight 10” sports variety

Gang of Gags

“HoB-Chinatown” sit-com